Author Archives: Bill

The BROAD Study or Meat

Is eating meat necessary?  Optimal?


Hint: it’s more important to not eat processed refined junk foods.


Exhibit A. The BROAD study: a randomized controlled trial using a whole food plant-based diet in the community for obesity, ischaemic heart disease, or diabetes (Wright et al., 2017)

Tl;dr: it worked.



The longer version: it was a low-fat vegan diet supplemented with 50 ug B12 (methylcobalamin) daily.


Participants were advised to eat until satiation.

We placed no restriction on total energy intake.

Participants were asked to not count calories.”


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The Spanakopita Experience

I’ve made variations of this recipe about a million times, substituting different cheeses &/or yogurts, different ratios of spinach:leek, different onions, etc… but here’s the recipe I make most often.

2 lbs chopped spinach

2 eggs

1 white onion

½ bunch of parsley

½ bunch of dill

1 bunch of scallions

A couple cloves of garlic

Salt and pepper

Optional: about half a chopped up leek

12 ounces of dairy — mix & match; these are a few that have worked well for me: Feta, cream cheese, plain Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and Parmesan.  Current fave is equal parts Feta, Greek yogurt, and Parmesan.




edit: all ingredients should be chopped, diced, & sliced

Some people like to sauté the garlic and onion a bit; it softens their contribution.  I don’t.  There aren’t strict rules; I’ve even replaced some of the spinach with shredded Brussels sprouts.  MADMAN!

Mix everything in a big pot or mixer.  If you want a creamy spanako-spinach dip instead, pour it into something like this, and bake 250F x 1 hour or until it reaches your desired consistency.  Time & temp may vary depending on your oven.



For the full spanakopita experience, gonna need phyllo dough and melted butter or duck fat or bacon grease or something similar.  This can have a big impact on the final flavor — I usually use a mix of butter and something else.



Place a sheet of phyllo in the dish and brush on a layer of butter.  Repeat 5-10 times.  Add the spanako mix, then phyllo-butter-phyllo-butter again about 5-10 more times.  For a lower carb version, use less.  Some people go crazy and put layers of phyllo between layers of spanako mix.

note: water is toxic to all known species of phyllo.  Don’t get it wet.

Now is the time to cut it into squares – not after you bake it or else the crispy phyllo will crack all over the place.

Bake it at 350F for about 45 minutes or until the phyllo is golden.




Advanced course: spanakopita triangles.

Cut the phyllo into 2-3 inch strips.  Butter up 2 strips on top of each other, put a spoon-sized lump of spanako mix at the bottom, fold lower left corner over, then fold up, then fold lower right corner over, then fold up, and repeat until you’ve used all the phyllo.

Cook at same temp but about half as long.



Super-advanced: sprinkle a little Parmesan (or something similar) on the phyllo before you fold it so it gets in there, between the layers of phyllo.  You can do this for both the pan spanakopita and the triangles.

note: baking spanakopita is very aromatic.  You’ve been warned.


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UPDATED Affiliate Links: if you’re still looking for a pair of hot blue blockers, Carbonshade is offering 15% off with the coupon code LAGAKOS and Spectra479 is offering 15% off HEREIf you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this then this.

20% off some delish stocks and broths from Kettle and Fire HERE.

If you want the benefits of  ‘shrooms but don’t like eating them, Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

calories proper


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Insulin secretion happens pretty quickly after a meal, in part, due to nutrients and gut-derived incretins like GLP-1.  GLP-1 secretion only happens with a meal, so the insulinemic response to oral glucose is greater than that to i.v. glucose:



Part 2. The liver sees WAY more insulin than peripheral tissues when this happens.  And it’s probably that way for a reason; ie, perhaps you need more insulin to shut down hepatic glucose output than to stimulate muscle glucose uptake and shut down lipolysis, etc.


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Carb early but not often

*if you’re going to carb, that is



The Sofer study was uniquely insightful in that they compared 3 carb-rich meals per day with the same amount of carbs but restricted to 1 meal.  Both groups ate 3 times per day.  Tl;dr: one carb meal is modestly better than three even when total carbs are controlled.  Since the carb-meal happened to be dinner, #fakenews reported that “carbs at night” are superior… but we saw right through that – the real conclusion was carb frequency not carb timing.


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What or When to Eat

Artificial light at night, crappy sleep, and skipping breakfast are major contributors to poor circadian rhythms.  Some bro’s insist WHAT you eat is infinitely more important than WHEN you eat.  I beg to differ, at least in part – nix the refined & processed foods and it doesn’t really matter if you prefer low fat or low carb (P<0.05).  Evidence: Hunger-free diet(s).


Exhibit A.  On the other hand, feed two people identical diets but induce circadian disruption in one and whammo – big difference in outcome.



Significantly less fat loss and more muscle loss in the circadian disrupted group.

Interindividual variability? Yes.  Statistical significance? YES.


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Eating in the absence of hunger

Good idea? Bad idea? … a bit of a rant

Some gurus swear by the “only eat when hungry” mantra.  I’m neutral on the issue.  In my opinion, it can work for people who are good planners because if you wait until you’re hungry and haven’t planned or prepared a meal yet, then it might be a while until you finally get to eat.  Maybe you’re an hour from home: unlucky => by the time you start cooking, you’re famished and end up overeating.  So you try to repent by skipping breakfast the following morning but fall into the same trap.  Of course, however, it’s not gonna be like this for everyone.


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A timeline of ketoadaptation

This is how ketoadaptation works (when it works), chronologically, on physical performance (I think):



Dark grey line: the gradual increase in performance for someone training on a regular diet.

Red line: performance declines on keto initially, but is back to baseline (light blue line) by week 3.

Light grey line: as long as ketoadaptation doesn’t impair performance, similar gradual increase in performance for someone training on a regular diet.  Parallel to the dark grey line.  May even catch up to the dark grey line.  I don’t know, but probably not as per FASTER – long-term LC athletes were not superior to their LF counterparts.


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Another great camping experiment

In the original Incredible camping experiment, a week-long camping trip was shown to cause people to fall sleep & wake earlier, feel better, and advanced their melatonin secretion.  In the new Camping Experiment, they showed that 70% of this is accomplished within the first 2 days!


Some of the #FakeNews headlines attributed the improved sleep quality to sleeping in a tent.  “Cute.”  More likely, this was driven by absence of artificial light.

Proposal: How about fasting from artificial light one day per week?  Or maybe just one night per week?


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Metabolism at night

From circadian entrainment to blood glucose management to appetite control to sleep quality:



We’re really not made to skip breakfast and eat late at night.  Nearly every line of evidence points to this.  And now:

Is the timing of caloric intake associated with variation in diet-induced thermogenesis and in the metabolic pattern? A randomized cross-over study (Bo et al., 2015)


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Protein, ketosis, and lean mass

Most people make a big deal about protein.  I do, too.  Low carb diets aren’t muscle-sparing.  Again.



Comparison of a Low-Fat Diet to a Low-Carbohydrate Diet on Weight Loss, Body Composition, and Risk Factors for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Free-Living, Overweight Men and Women (Meckling et al., 2004)

Part 1.  Hunger Free Diet(s)

Focus on what they’re eliminating:

LC diet: “limit intake of breads, pastas, rice, and desserts, eliminating intake of deep-fried foods, dried fruit, candy, sweetened soft drinks, and sugar, and increased consumption of vegetables, lean meats, eggs, and nuts”

LF diet: “eliminate high-fat dairy products and substitute with no-fat or LF alternatives, to increase intake of fruits, vegetables, whole-grain breads, and pastas and to eliminate fried foods, cream sauces, and high-fat/sugar cakes, pastries, chocolate, and candy. They were also asked to reduce use of oil products in cooking. As with LC subjects, LF subjects were encouraged to consume lean meats as alternatives to high-fat meat products.”


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