Search Results for: breakfast circadian

Metabolism at night

From circadian entrainment to blood glucose management to appetite control to sleep quality:     We’re really not made to skip breakfast and eat late at night.  Nearly every line of evidence points to this.  And now: Is the timing … Continue reading

LIGHT is a drug

Three stories about LIGHT One Carbon monoxide (CO): one of the nasty things in car emissions & cigarette smoke.  Also, a byproduct of the ever-important heme.  Heme, as you may recall, activates Rev-erb:   “Food for thought: an endogenous ligand … Continue reading

If meat causes cancer…

Disclaimer: I’m meat-cancer agnostic.  *IF* meat causes cancer (and I don’t think it does), it happens extremely slowly and only at very high levels of intake: to get statistically significant risk ratios, researchers usually look to top vs. bottom quartiles, … Continue reading

Social jet lag

Social jet lag is basically a general term that refers to circadian arrhythmia.  Sort of like insulin resistance, it’s rampantly abundant — some have estimated a prevalence of up to 75%!  Social jet lag can be induced by shift work, … Continue reading

Melatonin sensitizes the system

Bear with me here… this could be very important (or just all in my imagination haha) Fact: melatonin secretion happens at night (or at least that’s when it’s supposed to happen): And it’s important to adopt healthy circadian behaviors early … Continue reading

Some nuances of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) is not a universal panacea, regardless of whether you’re not eating anything at all for a few days each week/month or just restricting your feeding window to a few hours per day. Some protocols, eg, 20h fasting every … Continue reading


Many pre-diabetic, diabetic, and insulin resistant people have used the low carbohydrate diet to successfully manage their blood glucose levels.  It just plain works.  FACT (P<0.05). However, a small subset of this population fails to achieve normal fasting glucose.  This … Continue reading

Artificial light regulates fat mass: no bueno.

“despite not eating more or moving less” We’ve seen this time and time again: LIGHT IS A DRUG.   above quote is extrapolated from this rodent study: “Prolonged daily light exposure increases body fat mass through attenuation of brown adipose … Continue reading

Good calories

Nuts are good calories. I’m not a big fan of the omega-6 fatty acid linoleate, but that’s largely in the context of processed foods and confectioneries, where it’s more than likely no longer in it’s native form (Dc9,1218:2n6)… but in … Continue reading

Mushrooms are awesome (P<0.05)

“Without leaves, without buds, without flowers; Yet they form fruit. As a Food, as a tonic, as a medicine; The entire creation is precious.” -weird mushroom poem of sketchy origin Mushrooms: They have B12! When exposed to UV light, they … Continue reading