Author Archives: Bill

Ketogenic diet in alcohol withdrawal

Ketogenic diet reduces alcohol withdrawal symptoms in humans and alcohol intake in rodents (Wiers et al., 2021)

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First, the bad news: it appears they totally botched the rat study. Fed half of ’em a standard diet and the other half a ketogenic diet for a couple months, then exposed half in each group to alcohol (in the air) for a few weeks to induce dependence, then…

Hold up. Rats on this ketogenic diet failed to thrive. Big confounder. Every college kid knows why…

For the rest of this article and more, head over to Patreon! Five bucks a month for access to this and all previous articles. 16% off for annual subscriptions! It’s ad-free and you can cancel if it sucks 🙂

For personalized health consulting services:

Affiliate linksOMAHA. STEAKS. Check here for daily discounts and the best steaks of your life.

Still looking for a pair of hot blue blockers? TrueDark is offering 10% off HERE and Spectra479 is offering 15% off HERE. Use discount code LAGAKOS for a deal on CarbonShades. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this then this.

Naked Nutrition makes some great products, including Naked Grass Fed Protein. Also, free shipping 

20% off some delish stocks and broths from Kettle and Fire HERE

Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

calories proper

Insulin: route of administration

The basic biology of endogenous insulin secretion makes sense, physiologically/geographically.

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It slams the liver first, which sees more concentrated insulin than any other tissue. By the time insulin reaches the periphery, a lot has already been cleared and it’s been considerably diluted by peripheral blood.

This makes sense because liver does a lot of the heavy lifting wrt blood glucose control. The first phase insulin secretion and all that jazz.

Skeletal muscle (SkM) and adipose tissue (AT) see just enough to enhance glucose clearance and slow down lipolysis.

Enter: new insulin analogs.

For the rest of this article and more, head over to Patreon! Five bucks a month for access to this and all previous articles. 16% off for annual subscriptions! It’s ad-free and you can cancel if it sucks 🙂

For personalized health consulting services:

Affiliate linksOMAHA. STEAKS. Check here for daily discounts and the best steaks of your life.

Still looking for a pair of hot blue blockers? TrueDark is offering 10% off HERE and Spectra479 is offering 15% off HERE. Use discount code LAGAKOS for a deal on CarbonShades. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this then this.

Naked Nutrition makes some great products, including Naked Grass Fed Protein. Also, free shipping 

20% off some delish stocks and broths from Kettle and Fire HERE

Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

calories proper

Carbs: low (LCHF) vs. lower (keto)

Effects of calorie restricted low carbohydrate high fat ketogenic vs. non-ketogenic diet on strength, body composition, hormonal and lipid profile in trained middle-aged men (Vidic et al., 2021)

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Carbs: Low vs. Lower. In the original Sears study, they compared 33 grams of carbohydrate to 157. Six weeks, all food provided. The low carb group lost more fat mass than the keto group and everyone got mad. Blamed Barry Sears for basically testing his Zone diet vs. a ketogenic diet, so of course his diet was gonna win. Lol.

What about the water weight?

For the rest of this article and more, head over to Patreon! Five bucks a month for access to this and all previous articles. 16% off for annual subscriptions! It’s ad-free and you can cancel if it sucks 🙂

For personalized health consulting services:

Affiliate linksOMAHA. STEAKS. Check here for daily discounts and the best steaks of your life.

Still looking for a pair of hot blue blockers? TrueDark is offering 10% off HERE and Spectra479 is offering 15% off HERE. Use discount code LAGAKOS for a deal on CarbonShades. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this then this.

Naked Nutrition makes some great products, including Naked Grass Fed Protein. Also, free shipping 

20% off some delish stocks and broths from Kettle and Fire HERE

Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

calories proper

the price of food, literally

Background: a few years back someone in the keto community posted a chart comparing the price of burger patties from various fast food joints. The intention was good, like, if you were in a jam, wanted something to eat, and didn’t have many options.

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Cool. That’s not how my brain works, though. Grams of protein per dollar, totes. And then compare calories to see which of them might be loaded with added fat (QaDRoT*: exclude those options at fast food joints).

*QaDRoT: quick and dirty rule of thumb

This holds true across the boards: from fancy fish/meat to fast food burger patties to protein bars.

Also, what you pay for is what you get (mostly). Hear me out!

So, what’s the magic number, grams of protein per $$?

For the rest of this article and more, head over to Patreon! Five bucks a month for access to this and all previous articles. 16% off for annual subscriptions! It’s ad-free and you can cancel if it sucks 🙂

For personalized health consulting services:

Affiliate linksOMAHA. STEAKS. Check here for daily discounts and the best steaks of your life.

Still looking for a pair of hot blue blockers? TrueDark is offering 10% off HERE and Spectra479 is offering 15% off HERE. Use discount code LAGAKOS for a deal on CarbonShades. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this then this.

Naked Nutrition makes some great products, including Naked Grass Fed Protein. Also, free shipping 

20% off some delish stocks and broths from Kettle and Fire HERE

Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

calories proper

#kaatsu walking (and more)

It works (P<0.05).

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The most basic intervention: #kaatsu walking.

Muscle size and strength are increased following walk training with restricted venous blood flow from the leg muscle, Kaatsu-walk training (Abe et al., 2006)

6 days a week for 3 weeks: 2 minutes walking with 1 minute rest, five “sets.” So about 15 minutes a day. The #kaatsu bands provide ~200 mg Hg pressure, so it feels like getting your blood pressure measured, and as of yet, there’s no evidence suggesting tighter = better.

Growth hormone. Wild!

Strength & hypertrophy: remember, the intervention was barely anything. 15 minutes of walking with or without #kaatsu bands.

For the rest of this article and more, head over to Patreon! Five bucks a month for access to this and all previous articles. 16% off for annual subscriptions! It’s ad-free and you can cancel if it sucks 🙂

For personalized health consulting services:

Affiliate linksOMAHA. STEAKS. Check here for daily discounts and the best steaks of your life.

Still looking for a pair of hot blue blockers? TrueDark is offering 10% off HERE and Spectra479 is offering 15% off HERE. Use discount code LAGAKOS for a deal on CarbonShades. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this then this.

Naked Nutrition makes some great products, including Naked Grass Fed Protein. Also, free shipping 

20% off some delish stocks and broths from Kettle and Fire HERE

Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

calories proper

Eine klein Muscle Biology

Skeletal muscle fibres can be divided into about a million cell types based on a variety of characteristics, but for the purpose of simplicity, I’m just gonna talk about type 1 & type 2 fibres…

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And a fascinating story about the implications of forcing the utilization of one fuel over another.

In brief, type 1 muscle fibres are slow twitch and reddish in color. Type 2’s are fast twitch and whiter. The speed and color have something in common.

And how #kaatsu bands may be an interesting avenue in this context.

For the rest of this article and more, head over to Patreon! Five bucks a month for access to this and all previous articles. 16% off for annual subscriptions! It’s ad-free and you can cancel if it sucks 🙂

For personalized health consulting services:

Affiliate linksOMAHA. STEAKS. Check here for daily discounts and the best steaks of your life.

Still looking for a pair of hot blue blockers? TrueDark is offering 10% off HERE and Spectra479 is offering 15% off HERE. Use discount code LAGAKOS for a deal on CarbonShades. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this then this.

Naked Nutrition makes some great products, including Naked Grass Fed Protein. Also, free shipping 

20% off some delish stocks and broths from Kettle and Fire HERE

Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

calories proper



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Some positive news on semaglutide (ie, once-weekly Ozempic) recently. An antidiabetic drug with a rare side effect: weight loss (at a dose slightly higher than the antidiabetic dose; which only really matters because it’s already an expensive drug; some insurance companies may make you jump through a few hoops to get it covered. Idk).

Semaglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist.

It’s primary interest as an antidiabetic drug was it’s ability to stimulate first-phase insulin secretion

For the rest of this article and more, head over to Patreon! Five bucks a month for access to this and all previous articles. 16% off for annual subscriptions! It’s ad-free and you can cancel if it sucks 🙂

For personalized health consulting services:

Affiliate linksOMAHA. STEAKS. Check here for daily discounts and the best steaks of your life.

Still looking for a pair of hot blue blockers? TrueDark is offering 10% off HERE and Spectra479 is offering 15% off HERE. Use discount code LAGAKOS for a deal on CarbonShades. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this then this.

Naked Nutrition makes some great products, including Naked Grass Fed Protein. Also, free shipping 

20% off some delish stocks and broths from Kettle and Fire HERE

Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

calories proper

#eTRF: OK, I’ll stop now

Early versus late time-restricted feeding in adults at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes: is there an optimal time to eat for metabolic health? (Lynch et al., 2020)

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This was a protocol for a future study, but the discussion was good.

Also, I suspect this proposal was published prior to the excellent #eTRF vs. breakfast skipping study (Allison et al., 2020), which pretty much covered everything they wanted to do.

Allison had an 11-hour eating window (8 am – 7 pm vs. 12 pm – 11 pm) whereas Lynch is proposing an 8-hour eating window (7 am – 3 pm vs. 12 pm – 8 pm), so a more truer #eTRF (both early and time-restricted)…

For the rest of this article and more, head over to Patreon! Five bucks a month for access to this and all previous articles. 16% off for annual subscriptions! It’s ad-free and you can cancel if it sucks 🙂

For personalized health consulting services:

Affiliate linksOMAHA. STEAKS. Check here for daily discounts and the best steaks of your life.

Still looking for a pair of hot blue blockers? TrueDark is offering 10% off HERE and Spectra479 is offering 15% off HERE. Use discount code LAGAKOS for a deal on CarbonShades. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this then this.

Naked Nutrition makes some great products, including Naked Grass Fed Protein. Also, free shipping 

20% off some delish stocks and broths from Kettle and Fire HERE

Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

calories proper

another feather in the cap of #eTRF

technically, it wasn’t #eTRF. It was a comparison of a daytime (8 AM – 7 PM) vs. delayed (12 PM – 11 PM) meal pattern. Strong study design.

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Randomized, CROSSOVER, all food provided for 8 weeks. Yes, sample size was only 12, but did I mention it was a CROSSOVER with all food provided?

N=12. It’s really hard to reach statistical significance in a crossover study, but they did…

Compliance was excellent.

For the rest of this article and more, head over to Patreon! Five bucks a month for access to this and all previous articles. 16% off for annual subscriptions! It’s ad-free and you can cancel if it sucks 🙂

For personalized health consulting services:

Affiliate linksOMAHA. STEAKS. Check here for daily discounts and the best steaks of your life.

Still looking for a pair of hot blue blockers? TrueDark is offering 10% off HERE and Spectra479 is offering 15% off HERE. Use discount code LAGAKOS for a deal on CarbonShades. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this then this.

Naked Nutrition makes some great products, including Naked Grass Fed Protein. Also, free shipping 

20% off some delish stocks and broths from Kettle and Fire HERE

Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

calories proper

Winter is coming. Get some sunlight now!

sunlight -> vitamin D -> suppressed adipogenesis

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consider the flipside: low sunlight (winter) -> low vitamin D -> increased adipogenesis -> greater survival during times of famine, like winter. It’s not the whole story (duh), but a potentially interesting part of it…

side note: yes, the Sperti lamps and maybe even these reptile bulbs can supplement in extreme latitudes. Watch out for those opioids tho. Lol.

For the rest of this article and more, head over to Patreon! Five bucks a month for access to this and all previous articles. 16% off for annual subscriptions! It’s ad-free and you can cancel if it sucks 🙂

For personalized health consulting services:

Affiliate linksOMAHA. STEAKS. Check here for daily discounts and the best steaks of your life.

Still looking for a pair of hot blue blockers? TrueDark is offering 10% off HERE and Spectra479 is offering 15% off HERE. Use discount code LAGAKOS for a deal on CarbonShades. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this then this.

Naked Nutrition makes some great products, including Naked Grass Fed Protein. Also, free shipping 

20% off some delish stocks and broths from Kettle and Fire HERE

Real Mushrooms makes great extracts. 10% off with coupon code LAGAKOS. I recommend Lion’s Mane for the brain and Reishi for everything else

calories proper