Tag Archives: melatonin

“Afternoon diabetes” and nutrient partitioning

Don’t exacerbate afternoon diabetes with afternoon carbs.

Skeletal Muscle
As discussed previously [at length], insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle follows a circadian pattern: starts out high in the morning and wanes throughout the day.

Diurnal variation in oral glucose tolerance: blood sugar and plasma insulin levels, morning, afternoon and evening (Jarrett et al., 1972)

impaired circadian glucose tolerance in the morning

Diurnal variation in glucose tolerance and insulin secretion in man (Carroll and Nestel, 1973)

Circadian variation of the blood glucose, plasma insulin and human growth hormone levels in response to an oral glucose load in normal subjects (Aparicio et al., 1974)

Adipose Tissue
And insulin sensitivity of adipose tissue goes in the opposite direction: starts out low, and increases as the day progresses.

Diurnal variations in peripheral insulin resistance and plasma NEFA: a possible link? (Morgan et al., 1999)
The studies were standardized for a period of fasting, pre-test meal, and exercise… Following insulin, NEFA fell more slowly in the morning (149 uM/15 min) than in the evening (491 uM/15 min).

Diurnal variation in glucose tolerance: associated changes in plasma insulin, growth hormone, and non-esterified fatty acids (Zimmet et al., 1974)
Adipose tissue insulin sensitivity is greater in the evening.  FFA are higher, and get shut down more rapidly, after a carb meal in the evening.

Summary: to minimize blood glucose excursions and proclivity for fat storage, eat more calories earlier in the day; this is circadian nutrient timing.  And according to the Alves study, a low-carb protein-rich dinner best preserves lean tissue during weight loss.

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Circadian phase delays and metabolism

Remember the “jet lag-resistant” mice?  Guess what: screw with circadian biology and metabolism pays the price.

In brief, vasopressin was classically thought of as an anti-hypotensive hormone.  The vasopressin analog Desmopressin is used to treat bed-wetting.  But vasopressin biology is much more interesting than that: mice lacking both vasopressin receptors require very little time adapting to large circadian phase changes.  And as with many fundamental concepts in chronobiology, this is intimately linked with metabolism.

People with certain polymorphisms of the vasopressin receptor, V1A, exhibit elevated blood glucose levels and are at greater risk for diabetes (Enhorning et al., 2009):


This risk is strongest in men in the highest quartile of fat intake, and is statistically more significant after adjusting for age and physical activity:

Fat consumption

This study wasn’t designed to be a very powerful indicator of diet-disease relationships, but a little speculation: some think higher fat [and lower carb] intake should be protective against diabetes… which may be true, for people who can tell time.  Alter one nucleotide in the vasopressin 1A receptor gene and the game changes.

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Carb Back-Loading and the Circadian Regulation of Metabolism

Carb Back-Loading (CBL) redux, part I

Step 1: eat little in the morning (maybe some fat+protein; definitely no carb)
Step 2: exercise in the afternoon/evening
Step 3: eat the carbs, all of them.  Preferably high glycemic carbs.
Other: no dietary fat post-workout; protein periodically throughout the day.

What makes CBL different from its predecessors is the stress on the timing – exercise and carbs in the evening.  John Berardi’s “Massive Eating” dietary guidelines are similar: protein+fat meals all day except pre- and post-workout, which are protein+carb meals.  Martin Berkan’s “LeanGains” is fasting most of the time (including pre-workout), exercise in the afternoon, then a big post-workout meal (quite similar to CBL).  My only tweak, as discussed below (and previously here and here), would be a pre- rather than post-workout meal [in some contexts].

There’s a summary of this blog post at the bottom… it might be helpful to read that first (see: “Tl;dr:”).  Also, please note that much of this post is about the fringe of theoretically optimizing nutrient partitioning, like improving from 85 to 90%, or 40 to 45%, not 40 to 90%…  I’m not that deluded.

My initial take, in general, is that this book is loaded with gems about nutrition, exercise, biochemistry, and physiology.  It’s also very readable and has a lot of good recommendations.  In this post, I want to discuss one specific aspect of CBL: tissue-specific circadian regulation of metabolism.


nutrient timing


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Fasting, circadian biology, and epigenetics

From the best I can gather, one of the more immediate players in circadian biology is the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), which participates in a variety of redox reactions.  Fasting increases the intracellular NAD/NADH ratio, setting off a cascade of events involving epigenetics and the regulation of metabolism.

NAD activates sirtuins, a family of deacetylase enzymes.  This is epigenetics.



SIRT1 regulates the activity of BMAL1 and CLOCK, two circadian transcription factors, which target NAMPT, an enzyme that synthesizes NAD.  And in a curious feed-forward mechanism, CLOCK and BMAL1 enhance SIRT1 expression… genetic deletion of any of these players induces insulin resistance (Zhou et al., 2014), and this can be recapitulated with constant darkness: reduced BMAL1 and SIRT1, hepatic insulin resistance; the latter can be reversed with resveratrol (which may or may not be acting through SIRT1; this is controversial).  While alcohol does no great favors for circadian biology, if you’re going to imbibe, perhaps a resveratrol-rich Argentinian malbec served, and this might be the important part, at night, when all of this stuff is going on… coincidentally [fortunately], that’s precisely when most choose to imbibe.

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Circadian disruptions impact behavior and metabolism in a tissue-specific manner.

The control of circadian gene expression is complex, with layer upon layer of suppressors and enhancers, numerous transcription factors, and a lot of interactions.  A gross oversimplification: Clock and Bmal1 are positive regulators of circadian gene expression; Per and Cry are negative (you don’t really need to know any of this).


Some pretty cool progress has been made in examining the effects of global and tissue-specific deletion of circadian rhythm-related transcription factors.  Bear with me 🙂

For example, global Bmal1 knockout mice (ie, mice that don’t express Bmal1 anywhere in their whole body.  Zero Bmal1.  Nil.) (Lamia et al., 2008).  These mice are obese, and exhibit impaired glucose tolerance yet improved insulin sensitivity.

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Fiat lux

Humans have a peculiar relationship with light: differences in brightness, wavelength, and even circadian timing all have biologically meaningful effects.

The right combination of timed light exposure and hot Blue Blockers is probably not only the solution to jet lag, but also to a whole host of other health problems.  Maybe you can’t completely escape the bane of the modern condition, but there are some tools, widely available, accessible, and even free in some cases (eg, sun), that may be of benefit.  

The frequency of light impacts circadian rhythms. 

Wright showed this in 2004.  The subjects wore special glasses with LEDs that emitted light of varying frequency for 2 hours, from 6 to 8 in the morning (65 uW/cm2).  Salivary melatonin measurements commenced at 7 pm.  As seen in the figure below, blue but not red light induced a significant phase advance in melatonin onset:

AM blue light phase advance

And for the whole group:all colors

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The hot Blue Blocker Experiment

The eyes are the window through which light must pass, regardless of sightedness.

FACT: we don’t realize the importance of circadian biology.  Or at least we don’t act like it.  And we’re certainly not going to turn off our iPhones & laptops when we’re supposed to.  Potential intervention: hot Blue Blockers.  They’re a band-aid, no doubt, but they might help.  Jane Plain raised a potential concern with this here.  In brief, we can block blue light from molesting circadian biology with hot Blue Blockers, but extraocular light exposure could betray such feeble attempts.  

It seems to be based, in part, on an experiment by Campbell & Murphy (1998).  They tried to experimentally screw circadia by exposing an isolated spot of skin on the back of the knee to 3 hours of bright light.  Melatonin data weren’t shown, but the authors said they mirrored body temperature:

Campbell Murphy

It worked (for body temperature, at least).

But FAR more interestingly, Czeisler showed bright light-induced melatonin suppression in blind people was reversed if they covered their eyes!!!Czeisler

This is wild.  Unless there is something CircadianlyMagical about the skin on the back of the knees, then these findings refute those of Campbell.  Czeisler’s findings were confirmed by Hatonen (1999) in sighted people: black circles = no light exposure; open squares = full-face light exposure with eyes closed (partially blunted melatonin secretion); and open circles = full-face light exposure with eyes open (fully blunted melatonin):Hatonen

Of note, blind eyes and closed eyes aren’t the same as covered eyes.  There were, however, 2 people who exhibited no melatonin inhibition with closed eyes.  Perhaps some are intrinsically more light-resistant, or have robust eyelids or something.

It seems as though we needn’t worry about Campbell’s findings after all because they were directly refuted by Hebert (1999):Hebert

The light exposure protocol in both of the studies was identical: 13000 lux to the back of the knees for 3 hours.


Perhaps we should’ve demanded to see Campbell’s melatonin data?  Or not.  Lushington confirmed Hebert’s findings (albeit with only 11000 lux):Lushington

In 2000, Lindblom blasted 10000 lux at a much larger surface area – chest & abdomen – and found no effect on melatonin:Lindblom

The eyes are the window through which light must pass, regardless of sightedness.

Was all of this blog post irrelevant until now?  Maybe. (sorry)

Sasseville compared bright light-induced melatonin suppression in people wearing boring shades (top graph) or hot Blue Blockers (SolarShield Orange Lenses) (bottom graph):


The orange lenses transmit slightly less light than the boring ones (32 vs. 52%), so they accounted for this by hitting the hot Blue Blockers with more lux (4000 vs. 2200… this is directly in their faces, so it couldn’t be >10000 lux like in the previous studies)… this still resulted in more irradiance hitting the hot Blue Blockers, so the odds were stacked against them (I think, #physics).

Lux: luminous flux per unit area
Irradiance: electromagnetic radiation per unit area

Melatonin suppression is important, but what we’re really talking about here is SLEEP.  And in 2009, Burkhart showed just that.  When assigned to hot Blue Blockers (NoIR Polycarbonate Lasershields), sleep quality markedly improved:


(granted, randomization was horribly bollixed, but it is what it is).

Sasseville came through again in 2009, this time for shift workers.  Their subjects had to wear hot Blue Blockers (Uvex Skypers) when they were leaving work [in the morning].   It worked.

Sasseville II

In sum, don’t sweat extraocular light exposure, and anyone with a metabolic disturbance who lives a remotely modernized existance, paleo or otherwise, might benefit from these.

Flash forward to 2017… Circadian rhythms: blocking the blues. AND THE GREENS

calories proper

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hot Blue Blocker experiment: expectations = none.  I’m a “non-responder.”  This might not be the best time of year to conduct such an experiment, but the combination of high motivation and low patience prevailed.  And I still use my computer a lot at night.

This is a diary of sorts.
day 1: initial observations.
Started wearing them about 2 hours before sunset.  Outside sky prior to dusk looks like insane alien invasion.  But creepy red bathroom light looks exactly the same.  #physics.

Morning of day 2: Usually wake once or twice in the middle of the night, but didn’t…

Evening of day 2: Started rocking the shades 2 hrs prior to bedtime.  Same awesome yellow-ness and crisp resolution of the sunset.  It really looks like another planet.  I also could’ve probably stared directly at the sun with impunity (but didn’t).

Morning of day 3:  new conclusion: I think I usually wake up a few hours prior to dawn, but hot Blue Blockers prior has shifted this to a few hours earlier.

Morning of day 4:  same!  Hot Blue Blockers make me need to pee 4 hours sooner after falling asleep <– I’m a “responder!”
Mood, sleep quality, & energy levels stable <– “non-responder,” but willing to give it more time.  Burkhart’s study showed a near doubling of sleep quality, but it took 3 weeks.

P.S. FWIW, I’m wearing these, so definitely not going out in public places.

Paleo breeding: mating in the wild.

I’ve adapted much of this chart from Howell-Skalla (2002)  and Tsubota (1998).

Canadian polar bears: bona fide seasonal breeders.circannual hormones

The light cycle increases until June, then decreases until December.  Melatonin goes in the exact opposite direction. Testosterone peaks around the onset of breeding season (springtime, April/May), coinciding with LH (as expected). There is also a lot of bear-on-bear violence at this time due to: 1) testosterone-induced aggression; and 2) the high female:male ratio –-> females rear their cubs and are thus out of the game for about 3 years, but males like to breed every year.

Females followed a similar pattern, with estrogen peaking around breeding season and prolactin following the light cycle.

The authors mentioned that prolactin levels mirrored day length, and according to Wiley this would be the prolactin peak that normally occurs when you’re sleeping, but has spilled over into the daytime due to short sleep / long light cycle… not total prolactin levels (24h AUC?), which should be highest in winter (see below).

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The incredible camping experiment, circadian proper

Entrainment of the Human Circadian Clock to the Natural Light-Dark Cycle (Wright et al., 2013)

Abstract (edited): The electric light is one of the most important human inventions. Sleep and other daily rhythms in physiology and behavior, however, evolved in the natural light-dark cycle, and electrical lighting is thought to have disrupted these rhythms. Yet how much the age of electrical lighting has altered the human circadian clock is unknown. Here we show that electrical lighting and the constructed environment is associated with reduced exposure to sunlight during the day, increased light exposure after sunset, and a delayed timing of the circadian clock as compared to a summer natural 14 hr 40 min:9 hr 20 min light-dark cycle camping. Furthermore, we find that after exposure to only natural light, the internal circadian clock synchronizes to solar time such that the beginning of the internal biological night occurs at sunset and the end of the internal biological night occurs before wake time just after sunrise

In other words, they compared circadian events during 2 weeks of normal life to 2 weeks of 100% camping.  And camping won.

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