Alternate day fasting combined with a low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss, weight maintenance, and metabolic risk reduction (Kalam, Varaday et al., 2019)
Study design: 1 day of 600 kcal protein shakes then 1 day of protein shakes and normal ad lib food intake. “Alternate day fasting (ADF).”
There was some bias in the text/discussion (in favor of ADF; blamed low carb), but credit where it’s due – one of the more sensible lines in the paper: “It is also likely that only a selected group of individuals with obesity may find this diet tolerable and suitable for their lifestyles.”
With that, I agree. LC/ADF isn’t where I’d start, but it could work for some. However… it just didn’t seem to do so in this study very well.
Be aware of this -> “Fasting increases risk of binge eating and bulemic pathology: a 5-year prospective study” (Stice et al., 2008)
Tl;dr: the participants lost weight but didn’t improve any primary endpoints – triglycerides, fasting glucose, and insulin resistance didn’t change.
How do you lose 5 kg of fat and none of it from visceral adipose? ADF?
How do you lose weight with LCHP but not improve any metabolic markers? ADF?
-> a bit of the blame was shifted toward the LC component, although none of that stuff really happens in LC weight loss studies… suggests ADF...
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These pork rinds are the bomb. Seriously! And if you like spicy…
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