Search Results for: breakfast circadian

As if we needed another study about breakfast. Or 4.

Exhibit A. Participants were given ~30 grams of whey, casein, or carbs 30 minutes before bed (Kinsey et al., 2014). [side note: the closer it is to bedtime, the less food is needed to mess up your rhythms. Worded another … Continue reading

Circadian Rhythms. Nobel Prize.

18th Century: French astronomer Jean-Jacques d’Ortous de Mairan observed the mimosa plant opened it’s leaves during the day and closed them at night. It would continue to do this even in complete darkness. Thus, a bona fide circadian phenomenon. He … Continue reading

The importance of entraining skeletal muscle’s circadian clock (and how)

“Literally, every single model of skeletal muscle circadian arrhythmia mimics aging sedentary people who skip breakfast, stay up late, and get sick.” But first, the human studies that confirm these newer findings aren’t restricted to preclinical models: 1) a randomized … Continue reading

Meal timing and the circadian regulation of nutrient partitioning.

Breakfast [in the morning] strengthens circadian rhythms and reduces postprandial glucose excursion after lunch (Jakubowicz et al., 2017)       Freebie over at Patreon.   For less than the price of a cup of coffee, get access to all … Continue reading

Sunlight, Meal Timing, and Circadian Rhythms

Hey fam, remember this? Sunlight and the circadian rhythms in your skin Tl;dr: During the day, when potential DNA damage from UV light is higher than at night, the circadian rhythms in your skin upregulate expression of enzymes which protect … Continue reading

Circadian rhythms and cancer: potential mechanisms

Humans are incredible omnivorous beasts that can thrive on a great variety of diets, but crumble if you mess with their sleep. Circadian arrhythmia is thought to be a driving force behind a few types of cancer.  But how, exactly, … Continue reading

Circadian timing with REV-ERB and PERIOD

The circadian proteins Bmal and casein kinase (CK) enhance and degrade Period (PER), respectively, by completely different mechanisms.  Both are necessary, but at different times of day… #context Gross oversimplification: the Bmal party is kicked off in the morning by … Continue reading

Dopamine and breakfast

T.S. Wiley wrote a lot about the protein-rich breakfast; here’s my understanding of her take on it. N.B. I highly recommend her book, Lights out: sleep, sugar, and survival. Quotes are mainly taken from the text. I’ve tracked down some … Continue reading

Circadian Disruption Impairs Survival in the Wild

…just read that huge disasters, ranging from Exxon Valdez to Chernobyl, may have been due, in part, to ignorance of basic principles of circadian rhythms.  Gravitas.  

Meal timing and peripheral circadian clocks

More on why breakfast in the morning, with light onset is important to avoid circadian desynchrony. FOOD is excellent at entraining peripheral circadian clocks: if you restrict animals to one meal per day, their peripheral circadian clocks rapidly become entrained … Continue reading